Argentina's Antarctic challenges in the 21st century


  • Mariano Memolli



Antarctica, Antarctic Treaty System, Argentine Antarctic Program, Argentine sovereignty in Antarctica


The Argentine Republic has an extensive history in Antarctica, which begins in the Government of the United Provinces of the Río de La Plata, which continues in 1904 with the creation of the first scientific base in the world, the Orcadas Base, and continues to the present with the existence of more than a dozen bases in the Antarctic territory. In the 21st century, scientific activity and its logistical support will be central to face the challenges that arise. The new strategies of the main actors participating in the Antarctic Treaty System suggest a deep conceptual, political, cultural and operational transformation of the Antarctic problem. This article analyzes, among other issues, the challenges facing Argentina. It is discussed how the comparative advantages of the Argentine Antarctic Program to face these challenges are not enough to sustain the level of adequate territorial presence in Antarctica and a series of measures are proposed to strengthen this presence in a comprehensive manner.


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How to Cite

Memolli, M. . (2021). Argentina’s Antarctic challenges in the 21st century. Science, Technology & Policy, 4(6), 056.