Where is the Argentine software industry headed?


  • Nicolás Moncaut
  • Gabriel Baum
  • Verónica Robert




Software and information services, Industrial policy, Productive specialization, Knowledge economy, Economic development


The characteristics of the Argentine software industry are analyzed within the framework of its insertion in global value chains and the role of the incentives set by the two main promotion policies of the sector. On the one hand, the Software Law that governed between 2004 and 2019, promoted and guided the pattern of productive and commercial specialization of this industry, in accordance with the requirements of the global outsourcing of computer services. On the other hand, the current Knowledge Economy Law tends to strengthen this specialization instead of encouraging structural change processes in the software sector. In this framework, it is concluded that the orientation of public policies, although it has promoted the growth of turnover, employment and "export of capacities" of the sector, has not produced a transversal effect on the productivity of the national industry. Finally, some proposals are presented that could help to reorient the productive and commercial profile of the sector.


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Author Biographies

Nicolás Moncaut

Magíster en Desarrollo Económico. IDAES-UNSAM y CONICET

Gabriel Baum

Licenciado en informática. LIFIA- Facultad de Informática, UNLP

Verónica Robert

Doctora en Economía. IDAES-UNSAM, UNGS y CONICET


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How to Cite

Moncaut, N. ., Baum, G. ., & Robert, V. . (2022). Where is the Argentine software industry headed?. Science, Technology & Policy, 5(8), 072. https://doi.org/10.24215/26183188e072