"We are witnessing a massive delegation of brain functions to machines with no time for recycling"

Interview with Miguel Benasayag


  • Miguel Benasayag Universidad de Lille, Francia
  • Santiago Liaudat Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina




digital revolution, neoliberalism in CyT, neurosciences, anthropocentrism, human-machine relationship


Interview with Miguel Benasayag, born in 1953 in Buenos Aires (Argentina), medical doctor graduated at the University of Buenos Aires and Doctor in Psychology at the University of Paris VII. After being arrested and tortured for his militancy, he went into exile in 1978 in France, where he still lives today. His vast intellectual production, which includes more than forty books translated into fifteen languages, covers psychopathology, philosophy, biology and neurophysiology. The interdisciplinary nature of his research has allowed him to develop an original approach to various contemporary issues. In this interview, we focus on his reflections on the relationship between technology, neoliberalism, subjectivity and politics.


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How to Cite

Benasayag, M., & Liaudat, S. (2024). "We are witnessing a massive delegation of brain functions to machines with no time for recycling": Interview with Miguel Benasayag. Science, Technology & Policy, 7(12), 109. https://doi.org/10.24215/26183188e109

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