No. 24 (17): Twenty years of MERCOSUR: a multidimensional analysis

					View No. 24 (17): Twenty years of MERCOSUR: a multidimensional analysis

Twenty years is a sufficient time to consider the progress of the MERCOSUR process, begun in 1991 with the signing of the Treaty of Asunción. Evaluating what has already been achieved - progress and stagnation, success and error, evolution and regression - and the challenges posed by the future in the dynamic scenario of the partners of the scheme, the region and the world, is the unavoidable exercise that challenges us the time passed. The lessons of experience give signs to channel and direct the block towards a future of achievements aimed at strengthening it. This issue contains contributions related to these issues from a general approach to topics related to different aspects of the MERCOSUR integrative process.

Published: 2011-06-15