Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Tourism, communities and rurality

					View Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021): Tourism, communities and rurality

Period December 2021 - May 2022 | Tourism, communities and rurality. This issue, which presents some of the works exhibited in the First Workshop “Turismo, Comunidades y Ruralidad. Debates y construcción de sentidos desde los territorios” held in May 2021, invites us to move towards rural contexts on the margins to investigate the role of local communities in the planning and development of tourist endeavors in these contexts. The contributions of this issue analyze community tourism processes in different regions of our country (Province of Buenos Aires, AMBA, Misiones, Jujuy, Catamarca), and of other countries such as Mexico and Paraguay, providing a broad panorama of the debates around these processes.

Published: 2021-12-10

