Management and assessment of organizational sustainability




organizational culture, social responsibility, organizational sustainability.


Sustainability is one of the paradigms that characterize the 21st century and, as such, it must be incorporated into the management of organizations.

Peter Drucker argued that "the old forms of business management did not pay attention to people or values, on the contrary, they have underestimated and annulled them, thereby weakening the possibilities of development against their own economic objectives" (Cleri, 2007, p.187).

This article aims to contribute to the revision of these old ways of management from the reflection on the following premise: a sustainable organization is a culturally responsible one.

Nowadays, the necessary tools to take on the challenge of managing sustainable organizations are available and, in this sense, the Sustainable Management Model (Spanish acronym: MAS) and the Organizational Sustainability Assessment Model (Spanish acronym: MESO) are provided, proposing, in both cases, an explanatory reformulation of its original enunciations.

Organizations must recognize their role as members of society, incorporating management modalities that enable an ethical and responsible behavior, with sustainable commitment.


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Author Biography

Patricia Kent, Instituto de Responsabilidad Social para el Desarrollo Sustentable - GETACE. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia SJB. Argentina.

Doctora en Desarrollo humano y sustentable (UB Chile). Magister en Desarrollo humano y sustentable (UB Chile). Máster en Eco auditorías y Planificación empresarial del Medio Ambiente (INIECO, España). Licenciada en Administración (UNPSJB). Contadora Pública (UN Sur).

Docente y Directora de proyectos de investigación en universidades del país y del exterior.

Directora regular del Instituto de Responsabilidad Social para el Desarrollo Sustentable. GETACE.UNPSJB.

Autora de los libros “Sustentabilidad Socioambiental de las mipymes argentinas” (Ed. Buyatti, 2016) y “La Gestión ambiental en la Empresa” (Ed. Buyatti, 1999).

Premio Nacional a la trayectoria académica en Administración 2011 (ADENAG). Prenio a la trayectoria científica y académica regional 2016 (UNPSJB)-


Cleri, C. (2007). El libro de la pymes. Buenos Aires: Granica.

Dussel, E. (1997). Ética y administración. Revista Contaduría y Administración, 186, 3-14.

ISO 26000. (2010). Guía de Responsabilidad Social. Recuperado de

Kent, P. (2016). Sustentabilidad socio – ambiental de las mipymes argentinas. Buenos Aires: Buyatti.

Schvarstein, L. (2003). La inteligencia social de las organizaciones: desarrollando las competencias necesarias para el ejercicio efectivo de la responsabilidad social. Buenos Aires: Paidos.



How to Cite

Kent, P. (2018). Management and assessment of organizational sustainability. Ciencias Administrativas, (15), 058.


