Social dimension of economic integration: challenges and proposals


  • Marcelo Halperín UNLP


Social dimension of integration, Evaluation in international agreements, Food aid, Compulsory licenses, Border areas


This is a motion for discussion that is supported by a larger paper related to commitments and statements on social dimension dealing with economic integration processes in the region. On the matter the author attempts to highlight a remarkable disproportion between these commitments and statements and the scarce development of actions taken on behalf of that same political discourse.

The author examines the possible reasons why the various agencies and intergovernmental forums would be approaching this matter wrongly.
In this regard many problems concerning the social dimension in integration processes are related to the conditions under which governments operate in Latin America. Then, taking these problems into account, the author stresses the need to conceptualize the social dimension of integration from a methodological perspective that is, characterizing different types of arrangements under which collective action could unfold with hints of viability.
Finally, the article puts forward proposals to design and then implement a variety of initiatives
and overcome the obstacles that hinder its implementation.


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Author Biography

Marcelo Halperín, UNLP

Abogado por la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires. Egresado de la Escuela de Sociología. Doctor en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Consultor de organismos internacionales de integración y cooperación económica. Secretario y docente de la Maestría en Integración Latinoamericana, investigador del Instituto de Integración Latinoamericana, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, Universidad Nacional de La Plata



How to Cite

Halperín, M. (2014). Social dimension of economic integration: challenges and proposals. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (30). Retrieved from

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